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Flex09 User Manual

The BUILD command is provided for those desiring to create small text files quickly (such as STARTUP files, see STARTUP) or not wishing to use the optionally available FLEX Text Editing System. The main purpose for BUILD is to generate short text files for use by either the EXEC command or the STARTUP facility provided in FLEX.


The general syntax of the BUILD command is:

BUILD,<file spec>

where <file spec> is the name of the file you wish to be created. The default extension for the spec is TXT and the drive defaults to the working drive. If the output file already exists the question "MAY THE EXISTING FILE BE DELETED?" will be displayed. A Y response will delete the existing file and build a new file while a N response will terminate the BUILD command.

After you are in the 'BUILD' mode, the terminal will respond with an equals sign ('=') as the prompt character. This is similar to the Text Editing System's prompt for text input. To enter your text, simply type on the terminal the desired characters, keeping in mind that once the 'RETURN' is typed, the line is in the file and cannot be changed. Any time before the 'RETURN' is typed, the backspace character may be used as well as the line delete character. If the delete character is used, the prompt will be '???' instead of the equals sign to show that the last line was deleted and not entered into the file. It should be noted that only printable characters (not control characters) may be entered into text files using the BUILD command.

To exit the BUILD mode, it is necessary to type a pound sign ('#') immediately following the prompt, then type 'RETURN'. The file will be finished and control returned back to FLEX where the three plus signs should again be output to the terminal. This exiting is similar to that of the Text Editing System.

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