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Flex09 User Manual

The DCOPY command is used to copy from one disk to another all files with were created on or after a given date. The permits convenient backup of only those files which are new.


The general syntax of the DCOPY command is:


where the first drive number is the drive to be copied from, the second drive number is the drive to be copied to. R is an option to replace existing files on the desitnation disk with the files being copied. <month>, <day>, and <year> indicate a date; only files on or after this date will be copied. If any part of the date is left out, DCOPY defaults to the value in the corresponding FLEX date register. For example:


would copy from drive 2 to drive 1 all files created after June 1st of the current year, replacing existing copies in drive 1.


would copy from drive 0 to drive 3 all files created after today's date in 1981 which were not already on the disk in drive 3.


would copy from drive 1 to drive 0 all files which were created today, replacing existing copies of these files on drive 0.

DCOPY logs each file copied on the console with the message

n.filename.ext To DRIVE #n

These messages may be redirected to the printer or to a file with the P and O commands to provide a record of operations.

If the R option is selected, files on the destination disk with the same names as files to be copied will be deleted, and replaced by the copied files, unless the date of the destination disk file is more recent than that of the source disk file. In that case, DCOPY will print


and go on to the next file. This prevents the user of "backing up" an out-of-date file onto the current file.

NOTE: the date of a random access file is the day it was created. FLEX does not change this date when the file is accessed. The GIMIX-supplied UPDATE utility command can be used to update the date of a random-access file.

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