As the CEO and ultimate rights-holder for SoftCircuits and Black Belt Systems back in the day, I am pleased to make available archives of most of my/our latest Amiga software to the Amiga community. These archives include most of the latest releases of our commercial efforts as well as those written for PD and shareware. You are free to use, and re-distribute, this software without charge or obligation. I would appreciate your linking back to this page, but do not require it.
My thanks to Jay Siegel, who created some of these archives for the Amiga Community.
When software is only offered in DMS or ADF, this means that it uses an installer script. If you see it offered in LZH or ZIP, this means it does not use an installer script.
Board Master is an object-oriented (both code and operation) PCB CAD
layout system. It was developed on the basis of PCLO and then PCLO+,
products I wrote and shipped with Daniel Grostic's invaluable assistance
under the banner of my first company, SoftCiruits. The routers were
written in 68000 assembler for maximum performance, while the
UI and non-critical main program sections were written in
c. PCLO was featured in the official Amiga brochure at
the 1986 spring Comdex, and Commodore ensconced me in a showcase section
of their main Amiga booth at the same show to demonstrate PCLO and my
first commerical morphing software, SmoothShape. See ImageMaster, below,
for capabilities derived from SmoothShape.
Digital Soup, also known as "crits", short for "critters", is an
artifical life program. "They're not alive when we ship them to you!"
Imagemaster is an image editing and special effects suite for still and animated image sequences, with built-in direct support for our HAM-E 8-bit hold-and-modify / register recombinant graphics hardware engine as well as standard Amiga display modes. Notably, Imagemaster contains a consumer-targeted morphing engine developed on the basis of gridless point-morphing principles I first publicly demonstrated in 1986 at the Atlanta spring Comdex, from one of the four showcased vendor perches in Commodore's Amiga booth, where my company SoftCircuits was featured for my PCLO product.
Trivia: ImageMaster's original morphing engine was written in c by Barry
Chalmers in December 1991, after I laid out the point morphing principles
for him on a napkin at Dairy Queen. We had just been to a Star Trek movie
(we were both Trek fans and took the afternoon off to indulge
ourselves), in which some lady interest of Captain Kirk's was morphed
(poorly) from lady to... something else. Barry was fascinated, and I told
him I already knew how to do it better (based on the ASM engine in the
above-mentioned SoftCircuits SmoothShape product) — we stopped at
the DQ, wolfed down a couple of burgers, and I scribbled some napkins as
I laid out my pin-surface methodology for him. He brought ImageMaster's
morphing engine to life very shortly thereafter. We began shipping a
version of ImageMaster containing this engine to users in February of
1992. Barry considerably improved on the original concept over various
later releases of Imagemaster and WinImages.
If you're looking for image processing under Windows, I have
also made available Black Belt Systems' WinImages
software. WinImages is a system like Imagemaster, only even larger and
more capable. It also works on Intel Macs under Parallels, VMWare Fusion,
and Bootcamp. It also contains the most sophisticated version of our
morphing engine.
IM_PIMs.ADF (contains all plug-ins)
IM_PIMs.DMS (contains all plug-ins)
The AVT is software for HAM radio and SWL listeners who wish to work
with SSTV and FAX images. It also requires specific hardware, the AVT
system from AEA, which is a DSP engine of my design. Very specialized;
if you don't know what it is, you're probably not going to be
ApAssist is a hypertext documentation system. It is not HTML. I am very proud to say that Black Belt Systems was one of the first companies with serious commercial products to abandon paper manuals as insufficently maintainable as compared to online documentation. Inasmuch as HTML browsers weren't everywhere at the time, we (Pete Patterson was lead programmer on this project for me) built our own hypertext product to enable our leap away from dead trees. And here it is!
Note: ApAssist requires ARexx to be running before it can operate. To start ARexx, run the Amiga RexxMast command, which is typically found in the System drawer. Then start ApAssist.
This is a complete 6809 emulator for AmigaDOS. The emulator boots the
6809-Flex operating system running over the PSYMON monitor, and includes
numerous applications including games, compilers, assemblers, editors, a
very broad selection of 6809-Flex utilities and more. There's also a Windows
version of this that can run under Windows XP and later.
Online Documentation
Flex Emulator
Jakeboard is a keyboard for the handicapped. Works using Amiga screens.
This was free software I wrote.
Talkboard is a speech-generation system for the handicapped.
This was free software I wrote.