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Flex09 User Manual
Command Descriptions

There are two types of commands in FLEX, memory resident (those which are actually are part of the operating system) and disk utility commands (those command which reside on the disk and are part of the UCS). There are only two resident commands, GET and MON. They will be described here while the UCS is described in the following sections.


The GET command is used to load a binary file into memory. It is a special purpose command and is not often used. It has the following syntax:

GET[,<file name list>]

where <file name list> is: <file spec>[,<file spec>] etc.

Again the '[]' surround optional items. 'file spec' denotes a file name as described earlier. The action of the GET command is to load the file or files specified in the list into memory for later use. If no extension is provided in the file spec, BIN is assumed, in other words, BIN is the default extension. Examples:


Where the first example will load the file named 'TEST.BIN' from the assigned working drive, and the second example will load TEST.BIN from drive 1 and TEST2.BIN from drive 0.


MON is used to exit FLEX and return to the hardware monitor system such as S-BUG. The sytax for this command is simply MON followed by the 'RETURN' key.

NOTE: To re-enter FLEX after using the MON command, you should enter the program at location C000 hex.

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