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Flex09 User Manual
Utility Command Set

The following pages describe all of the utility commands currently included in the UCS. You should note that the page numbers denote the first letter of the command name, as well as the number of the page for a particular command. For example, 'B.1.2' is the 2nd page of the description for the 1st utility name starting with the letter 'B'.

Common Error Messages

Several error messages are common to many of the FLEX utility commands. These error messages and their meanings include the following:

NO SUCH FILE. This message indicates that a file referenced in a particular command was not found on the disk specified. Usually the wrong drive was specified (or defaulted), or a misspelling of the name was made.

ILLEGAL FILE NAME. This can happen if the name or extension did not start with a letter, or the name or extension field was too long (limited to 8 and 3 respectively). This message may also mean that the command being executed expected a file name to follow and one was not provided.

FILE EXISTS. This message will be output if you try to create a file with a name the same as one which currently exists on the same disk. Two different files with the same name are not allowed to exist on the same disk.

SYNTAX ERROR. This means that the command line jsut typed does not follow the rules stated for the particualr command used. Refer to the individual command descriptions for syntax rules.


Any time one of the utility commands is sending output to the terminal, it may be temporarily halted by typing the 'escape' character (see TTYSET for the definition of this character). Once the output is stopped, the user has two choices: typing the 'escape' character again or typing 'RETURN'. If the 'exscape' character is typed again, the output will resume. If the 'RETURN' is typed, control will return to FLEX and the command will be terminated. All other cahracters are ignored while output is stopped.

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